Cristal Perez How much should my 1 month old be drinking in every feeding?

As far as feeding goes I will assume you mean breastfeeding. In the first few days after birth your milk will come in. Your breasts may become engorged until your baby begins regulating your supply. It is important to be drinking plenty of water and eating well when nursing so your supply stays up. Your baby will need to nurse every two to three hours.

Here are some signs that your baby is getting enough:

Your breasts feel softer after nursing and you can hear your baby swallowing while nursing.

Your baby has plenty of wet and dirty diapers (at least 4-5 wet and minimum 1 dirty per day)

If your baby is taking pumped breast milk, at one month old your baby will be drinking about 24-28 oz per day in about 6-8 feedings

As your baby gets older he/she will begin drinking more because their stomach has grown big enough they will hold more milk and stay fuller longer. Which means that they will be able to go about four hours in between feedings. Harper started to do this around four months old.

I will do a post tomorrow about things that you can do to bring up your milk supply if you are needing help with that.

Reminder: I am a doula, who had breastfeeding training, but I am not a lactation consultant. If you are needing breastfeeding support please check out my resources page.

How do I get him to sleep more or get into a napping routine?

At one month old babies sleep about 15-17 hours in a 24 hour period. Your baby is adapting to the sleep-wake cycle that you favor, and his stomach is growing and holding more breast milk or formula by the time that he is 3 months old. Until this point you are probably not getting much sleep. It is so hard to function through out the day with the little sleep that you are getting. I strongly suggest that you sleep or rest when baby sleeps. Eventually your baby will adjust to two longer naps a day and longer periods of sleep at night. There isn’t much that you can do about your babies sleep pattern now. Around two or three months old I would start having a bad time routine that you stick with every night. This will help you to communicate with your baby that it is time for bed. You will eventually get to periods where he will sleep through the night. But when teething starts or he gets a cold sleep with become disrupted again. Welcome to parenthood! Harper did not sleep through the night until 10 months old. Since then she has been a great sleeper and unless she has a cold or really soiled diaper she is down from 8pm to 7am.

These were great questions. I hope that my answers helped!
