Keeping Up A Healthy Milk Supply


In a previous post I wrote about what to expect after birth when your milk supply comes in. I received numerous questions about how I kept my milk supply up while nursing harper.

Below are are a few of my tips and tricks to maintaining a healthy milk supply.

1. The most important thing to know, I believe, is that your breast milk increases on a supply and demand basis. Meaning, that the more your baby is on your breast or the more you pump in between feedings, the more milk you will produce. So if you want your supply to go up pump in between feedings.

2. A healthy diet is key! Drinking a glass of water while nursing to keep you hydrated is important. Eating healthy foods and a balanced diet is also very important. Almonds and oatmeal are also know to help mothers produce more milk.

3. Lactation teas! If you are allergic to certain pollens or plans its is probably beat to stay away from herbal teas. But if not my favorite brand was the  Mothers Milk Tea by Traditional Medicinals. It is important to remember that too much of the herbs that are in lactation teas can be harmful to your milk supply. If you have questions about this please contact a lactation consultant.

4. MY FAVORITE! Milkn’ Cookies

When Harper turned six months old I noticed a drop in my supply. Within two days of eating one cookie a day, my supply was up again and I was pumping an extra 4 oz. a day!

5. Make sure that you have your baby in a proper position in order to establish a good latch.

6. Lastly keep your stress levels as low as possible. Stress can significantly reduce milk supply.

Remember, I am not a lactation consultant. I am a mother and a doula who has training in breastfeeding support. If you need support breastfeeding or are not able to bring your supply up please contact a lactation consultant.
