Baltic Amber Teething Necklaces


I have gotten a lot of questions about the amber necklace that Harper wears. Yes, it is for teething and yes, it works.

 Amber is a resin that contains healing oils ( Succinic Acid ) which are easily absorbed into the body. Succinic acid is a natural component of plant and animal tissues, and its presence in the human body is beneficial in many ways. Natural amber necklaces are a completely non-invasive remedy for side effects associated with teething.

 Harper got her fist two teeth when she was four months old. She drooled like crazy and it drove me nuts. I would be changing out bibs on her all day to try to keep her dry. One day, when I was shopping at Trader Joes, I passed another mom who noticed Harpers drooling. Her daughter was wearing an amber necklace and she told me that it really worked for her. I’m a pretty “crunchy mommy” so I got one for Harper. With in a few hours I noticed a huge difference. I removed the necklace during bed time and she wore it all day. Her drooling stopped almost immediately and she became less fussy. What a life saver! Make sure that the necklace that you buy is short enough that your little one can’t chew on it. Baltic amber necklaces are for wearing, not chewing!

I got mine here: Earth Baby

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